
‘So what is it that you actually do?’ – Stories from a coach and facilitator with a niche job title (Part 2)

‘So what is it that you actually do?’ – Stories from a coach and facilitator with a niche job title (Part 2)

I offer coaching, facilitation and consultancy in a wide range of contexts with people in very different situations. But there are some common themes that arise for many clients – these include:

*Burnout and compassion fatigue

*Finding it difficult to express themselves or state their needs

*Feeling stuck in a ‘freeze’ response

*Working out ‘who am I now, and where next?’

*Creating community and finding places where they feel a sense of belonging

These challenges can show up in different ways and different situations, and it’s not always obvious at the outset that these are things that might need some attention. Sometimes, the reason a person comes to coaching is that they’re stuck with a specific issue in the workplace, difficulty communicating with someone in their life, needing support to make life decisions, or because they feel that they need some space to focus on improving their wellbeing.

But when we get below the surface, a lot of the themes that come up for people are human experiences that so many of us share in common. As a species, we’ve evolved to survive and thrive through cooperation, and we can be motivated by a need for belonging. That’s part of the reason that the relational aspect of any good coaching can be so transformative, and it’s also why I often find myself focusing on relationships, communication and what’s going on psychologically, emotionally and somatically in relation to them, regardless of what specific issues a client has come in with. Underneath a fear of speaking up and asking for a specific need (or want) to be met is often a belief such as ‘I’m too much’, ‘I’m not enough’ or ‘I mustn’t risk rejection’, which was likely a result of interactions with significant people earlier in life.

Performance Anxiety Part 1: How to shine in performance and presentation

Performance Anxiety Part 1: How to shine in performance and presentation

As a coach and facilitator, I support people who feel uncomfortable with being seen and heard. People who might panic or freeze when the stakes are high and they’re required to give a performance in front of others, whether on stage, in the board room or on a conference call. In this post, I will offer some suggestions, points to reflect on and tools that could help you to feel calm enough to really shine in a performance.

Free Coaching! Volunteers wanted...


-Feeling stuck with a workplace or career related issue?
-In need of support to connect with your purpose, values and direction?
-Struggling to speak up for yourself?

I'm looking for the first of 3 volunteers to receive 12 FREE coaching sessions. I've been offered a fantastic opportunity to deepen my practice and try out some new models.

So, here's what's on offer:
*A brief intro session where we discuss what's on your mind, what's on offer and work out whether this feels like a good fit for you.
*Monthly 50 minute coaching sessions (all likely to take place online)
*Resources to suit your individual needs and goals.
*A confidential service: while I'll share information about my practice with my supervisors, your details will be kept private.

What I'm asking for:
*That you're able to make the time and space to commit to monthly sessions
*That you feel able to offer constructive feedback throughout and at the end of the process

What's the next step?
Please contact me for a chat.